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Unlock the Power of True End-to-End Field Service Management Software

Some companies operate out of a single office, others from a workshop – but for many businesses, employees can be spread out across multiple locations. Offices, workshops, construction sites, and field workers need to cooperate for your company to succeed. However, organising your workers and materials as well as ensuring seamless communications can be challenging, which is where field service management software comes in to keep track of your assets, work orders, and inventory – from anywhere.

6 Ways ToolSense Field Service Management Software Can Improve Your Business

Automate and Store Work Orders

Coordinating your field workers in multiple locations can result in many phone calls and e-mails. Oftentimes, work orders can’t be conveyed directly, and it’s unclear whether a task has already been completed. Your day-to-day workflow becomes a breeze with proper work order management and the help of cloud-based field service management software. ToolSense offers a work order and field service management solution that allows you to reach the right employee at all times by simply assigning them the order through the software. 

Illustration showing 3 people getting work orders.
Illustration showing a calender and an alarm clock.

Transform the Scheduling Process

Developing a schedule and conveying it to your employees in a way that enables them to easily stick to it are two different things. With ToolSense, your trusted field service software, you can transform your schedule and scheduling process because it combines field service management, work order management, inventory and asset management in one clever tool. If certain maintenance tasks are due at a specific interval, you can easily set up automated reminders that will alert your field service technicians every 3, 6, or 12 months – whenever the next inspection is due. 

Stay Proactive Instead of Reactive

Reactive maintenance is still a prevalent form of maintenance management, but waiting for an asset to break can result in higher maintenance and repair costs, unexpected downtime, and loss of revenue. FSM software, which also covers asset management, can help your business shift from reactive to proactive maintenance. Instead of waiting for an asset to break, proactive maintenance focuses on conducting regular maintenance and service tasks to prevent downtime and unexpected repairs in the first place. The service scheduling software can be used to determine service intervals, set up automated reminders, request spare parts, and organise all field service maintenance tasks.

Illustration showing a man balancing on some dominoes and stopping them to tip over.
Illustration showing 3 happy people. Customer Satisfaction

Greater Customer Satisfaction

A satisfied customer is often a returning customer and can lead to an increase in revenue for your business, which is why customer satisfaction should be one of your top priorities. But how exactly can field service management solutions help with that? ToolSense offers combined asset management and field service solutions that make it easy for you to keep track of all your equipment, machines, and vehicles – and what shape they are in. This allows your business to easily manage your assets or fleet and offer your equipment and services on time, while proactive maintenance ensures that your assets are always in top shape.

Maximise Efficiency and Productivity

Downtime, unclear work orders, and a lack of overview of your equipment can really put a dent in your company’s efficiency and productivity. The right FSM software tools can help your business unleash its true potential by reducing downtime with the help of proactive maintenance and asset management. Every service appointment, spare part request, location, and runtime are stored in your asset’s lifecycle folder, allowing you to make the best of your equipment at all times.

Maximized Efficiency
Illustration showing a smartphone which shows the stock level of the ladders.

Keep Your Stock Levels Just Right

Inventory management is another clever ToolSense feature that makes the platform the top field service management software. By keeping track of your stock and inventory and setting up automated alerts in case of shortages, you can perfect your inventory management without further tools. Your field service team can request spare parts straight through the mobile field service management software, allowing all your employees to access inventory information from anywhere. 

Proven Track Record

Get up to 875% ROI With ToolSense

Reduction in time of operational staff spent managing assets, handling inspections and locating asset information


Reduction of annual asset costs (buying, repair & parts)
Example: For FM company with 3K employees this results in €150K asset cost reduction / year


Reduction of unplanned downtime
Example: For FM company with 3K employees this results in €200K cleaner personnel cost reduction / year

Key Field Service Management Software Features

Enhanced Employee Safety

Avoiding workplace accidents altogether is not always possible, but by eliminating accidents due to mechanical or electrical failure, you can create a much safer workplace for your field workers. Field service management and scheduling software can help your business develop the perfect employee safety inspection schedule by creating automated alerts to remind you when an audit is due. Asset management and employee safety also go hand-in-hand because keeping your assets in top shape makes mechanical and electrical failures a lot less likely, thus contributing to a safe workspace.

Intelligent Reporting and Analytics​

Combining field service solutions with asset management becomes possible with ToolSense and allows you to get to know your assets, your inventory, and your work order management in-depth. ToolSense’s FSM software comes with intelligent reporting and analytics tools that will transform your management in all areas. You can find out your machines’ runtimes, the reported downtime, how often a certain asset has been repaired, how long employees need to perform a work order, and much more. This information can be used to pinpoint bottlenecks and improve your workflow, making it more reliable and efficient.

Stay Productive On-The-Go

One of the most important and useful features that ToolSense offers is complete desktop and mobile compatibility. With cloud-based field service management solution, your employees can access important information from anywhere at any time. Whether your field technicians are servicing an asset, requesting spare parts, logging runtimes, or going through work orders and checklists – all they need is a mobile phone or tablet. This easy accessibility contributes to a more productive workflow.

Live GPS Tracking

The field service industry often works with a large fleet, numerous assets, and a lot of equipment. Keeping track of all of these is made especially hard when they are spread out across multiple locations or on the move. Along with their construction field service management software, ToolSense offers useful GPS trackers that transmit an asset’s location live and in real-time. This allows businesses to reliably track their equipment and perfect their schedule based on real-time GPS data so that your equipment is always where it needs to be.

Create Seamless Workflows

ToolSense’s field management software allows businesses to create their own checklists, which are incredibly useful for creating seamless workflows and clear work instructions. Whether your field service team is servicing assets or conducting safety checks, they can find clear guidelines and checklists attached to your work orders and asset lifecycle folders. Along with ToolSense’s simple work order and inventory management, your workflows will become more efficient and productive.

Simple QR Code Solution

Not every piece of equipment needs a GPS tracker, but tracking runtime, downtime, repairs, and services is still useful if you want to make the best out of your assets and prolong their lifespan. ToolSense offers a simple solution that works with just a tablet or a mobile phone. A unique QR code is created by the field service software and attached to your asset. If your field service technicians want to log usage, report downtime, request repairs, or look up information in the asset’s lifecycle folder, they can simply scan the QR code using their mobile devices. 

Who Benefits From Field Service Management Software?

Field service software is useful for small businesses as well as for larger companies. If your business operates a fleet, numerous assets, or your employees are spread out across multiple locations – such as offices or construction sites – ToolSense can help you coordinate your field workers, keep track of your assets, and improve your work order and inventory management.

Frequently Asked Questions About Field Service Management Software

Field service management is the coordination of employees that work outside the company’s premises – for example, field technicians that are sent out for installation, maintenance, or repair purposes. Field service management usually includes work order management, inventory management, scheduling, and dispatch management.

Field service management software – FSM software for short – is used by companies to coordinate field workers and manage all resources involved in field service operations.

Field service software combines different areas – such as work order, maintenance, asset, and inventory management – into a single platform. This enables offices to communicate with field workers, automate certain tasks, and get real-time information from technicians on-site.

Instead of relying on e-mails, phone calls, and paper, FSM software digitalises field service operations, making your workflow more efficient and productive. The best field service management software also includes work order, inventory, and asset management solutions that will help you improve your entire management strategy.

FSM software eliminates the old-fashioned paper trail and combines multiple tools into one simple platform, keeping all the information you need neatly stored in one place where it is easily accessible to your employees. Cloud-based field service management software allows field service teams to work from anywhere. Additionally, it improves asset and inventory management.

No matter if you are a small business or a large company – user experience should be one of your top priorities if you don’t want to spend a lot of time and money educating your staff on how to operate your new FSM software. Frequent security updates and reliable customer support are also things to watch out for when choosing your field management software.

The key to finding the top field service management software is to choose the one that is right for your company. Every business has different needs which depend heavily on your type of field service, the number of your employees, and how many assets or machines you operate. You can watch a demo or schedule a digital tour if you want to find out whether ToolSense is the right FSM software for you.